Friday, June 5, 2009

Sausages are considered junk food here!

So we found the sausages in a food stall at the tram station - the setting was all a bit seedy, so we have concluded that perhaps Austrians don't get as excited as Tony about sausages. Lucia nibbled her first frankfurter - Tony is a happy man.
We tried swimming in the hydrotherapy pool, but it seems that the hospital warm the room not the water and Lucia was not impressed with the 25 degree pool.Today the spielsesen was with Tony - they mixed all sorts of food onto one plate and Lucia helped feed one of the younger patients Noah. The plan is to completely stop breakfast and lunch through her tube as weight is still the same - 11.16kg - this is a bold move as it represents 50% of her calories for the day, but whatever is reaching her tummy from the grazing seems to be enough. As her carer and personal calorie counter this is difficult for me to comprehend, but nevertheless I see the scales. She hasn't accepted any liquids other than water so far so that is what we will work on over the w-e. The prog staff are all happy with her progress to date. Unfortunately her skin has been very distressed since we have been here - it is probably a combination of flights, weather(cold & crisp)and the addition of real food - her legs specifically are very sore and she screams throughout her skincare regimen. We really hope that this settles down and think that maybe she is sitting too long in her buggy of an afternoon.


  1. All sounds fantastic Fran....except the constipation! If she's taking water...just give her as much as she'll take...hopefully that will soften it a little. Might help with her skin too, she may be drying out from the airconditioning and cooler weather.....
    Lots of love from the luxmoores!

  2. We are all thinking of you all and it seems to be progressing well.

  3. Hi Francesca, Tony and Lucia, firstly must say that we miss you - specially Lucia. Great to read how you are all going, thanks for making the continued effort to complete your reports amongst all your other business. How good it is she is maintaining that weight, after such a bad start.

    We had a very successful camp week with the younger students, with many parents now more confident that their children can cope without them and not just cope but have a great time! I am looking forward to getting back into class tomorrow though.

    Just want to say Tony that I can never imagine missing sausages - my life would be quite complete if I never ate another sausage but I know that Andrew would not cope! Is this genetic and linked to the male gene?

    Anyway, silliness now - all the very best to the three of you. we are thinking of you and know Lucia will come back an eating girl!

    Take care - Annette (and all the Xavier crew)

  4. Sorry about the "Andrew said" but I just used Andrew's google account as I don't have one! Really this is from Annette!
